Friday 5 December 2014

Task 3d - critical questions and issues that emerge

NETWORKING -Networking' is a socioeconomic business activity by which groups of like-minded business people recognize, create, or act upon business opportunities (wikipedia) 

Do some very specific ideas emerge about your networking and sources? Does your engagement to date seem appropriate? Limited? Focused? Planned? Unplanned?

It seems that i am networking regularly without even realising, by talking with friends and colleagues and using the internet. I feel the engagement i have within my networks is good as i have a strong friendship with a number of my colleagues as well as a good working relationship. We know how to remain professional and what is appropriate, In terms of my current work i would not say my networks are limited - my focus is to expand my networks in order to help broaden opportunities, it never hurts to know more people! I do always try to carry a handful of business cards around with me should the opportunity arise. I wouldn't say i have a 'plan' but i would like in the future to go down the dance therapy route so will need to make a number of new contacts and networks in order to take this forward.

Are your ideas, position or concerns shared by others within and/or beyond your professional work area?

I would say that particularly my boss at Popdance would like to expand her networks - she is actively doing this through attending the 'jelly' sessions and is an active member on many social media sites, regularly posting and updating. As a company we are hoping to expand into the fitness industry so new contacts and networks will need to be made and some connections and meetings with leisure centres have been made. I think everyone has personal aspirations in what they want to achieve so i expect everyone has their own 'plan' in terms of networks to make and become a part of.

Does sharing and communicating with others shift your planning or practice?

Absolutely, talking ideas through and discussing plans is where most of my decisions come from. Getting another opinion or view on an idea is so helpful whether it be from the perspective of a professional or advice from a friend or family member.   .

Does critical reflection help you decide what really matters and the actions to take?

Reflecting upon what we have done is a great way to learn. Looking back on my reflective journal i find i have worked through problems or issues by writing them down and this helps to come to a conclusion as to how to solve the problem. Reflecting means you can look at how you once acted to a situation and decide if this was the right action to take - i think it can help improve your thinking and allow you to try new things rather than sticking to what you know. I'm not sure it can help me decide on what really matters but it can improve your learning and what actions to take.

To what extent do concepts and theories assist you in thinking about your professional networking in different ways? And do these different ways of thinking have some purpose for you?

These concepts and theories have allowed me to realize what i and my colleagues use in terms of networking and have made me think about other ways in which i can network. It is interesting to know we are all networking for personal gain but how much that relies in good relationships with others.

Are you left thinking differently prior to this part of the module? And if so, how?

Thinking about all the different ways of networking during this part of the module has led me to realize that web 2.0 plays a very important role in how we all network and get our information and that its an easy form on networking. I use it because its fast and easy and due to the mount of users assumed its the best form. But from looking at theories and due to experiences in my own work recently feel talking face to face with others is the most effective way of networking. It's a more personal form of communication where a better relationship can be developed and a personality can be felt as well as just your professional persona. This way you can be bought into a 'real' community rather than just a virtual one.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Task 3b - theories relating to networking

It was interesting to read about theories surrounding networking - i have been aware that i have been networking when attending specific networking events but hadn't realised how much myself and others do it day to day and that they were theories used.

Cooperation is the process of groups of organisms working or acting together for their common/mutual benefit, as opposed to working in competition for selfish benefit

I liked this definition as i think with co operation the main gain is personal but has a nicer tone as you're also helping someone else; you scratch my back i'll scratch yours . i think people co operate to achieve your goals and its essential as if you do not co operate be it within your own team or with others who could potentially effect your work (teachers in other schools etc) your practice could suffer due to poor relationships with those needed to succeed. Within my own professional team we will always co operate eg cover for each other and help each other out with big jobs. I always share or re tweet statuses of other dance schools and companies with whom i am friends with and they in return share mine and 2 of my bosses now advertise each other on their websites. 

Affiliation - the relationship resulting from affiliating one thing with another or a club society or organisation formed.

I think affiliation is something that happens naturally a lot of the time. You'll naturally talk or meet with those who work in your industry and therefore become affiliated with should you share work ideas or networks. I think whilst it can be a natural process some people, perhaps who are aware of the importance of networking and the theories involved, will try and become affiliated with people in order to achieve a goal. I am affiliated with dance associations and contacts due to my line of work and therefore sometimes get invited to certain events that are only for dancers or teachers. i feel these events are great but are often advertised as social occasions but are really a good excuse for networking.  

Communities of practice - community of practice (CoP) is, according to cognitive anthropologists Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger a group of people who share a craft and/or a profession.

I like this idea of 'situated learning' suggesting not having a hierarchy and keeping things informal, in the industry this and would perhaps help encourage more people to attend dance classes and remove the stigma. This feeling of everyone being equal within a community is seen via social media, people from anywhere can comment on my work as i can i on theirs, and learn through connecting with others as a wide community. As stated before i am using social media regularly and therefore connecting with this wider community and networking via this. I have my personal community but there is also the wider network of other dance teachers who are part of this community This means we are able to expand our networks, meeting others from different areas. it is nice to feel a part of something so i think this a great form of networking, that i hadnt realized i used so much.