Monday, 13 April 2015

My Inquiry

I have begun to write up my plan for my inquiry and am hoping desperately that i'm heading in the right direction! I have tried out various tools by informal chats with colleagues, practice interviews with friends and families and by observing a friends dance class in a very casual setting. I have found all these tools to be useful in different ways and am looking forward to planning my schedule.

Here is a little bit of what my inquiry is about - i'm really struggling with the title so if anyone has any ideas/feedback please do let me know!

My inquiry will be exploring the safeguarding of children and whether or  not it has affected dance teaching. As a group those in the dance profession tend to be very tactile due to the nature of the art form and its need for contact but when teaching children it is hard to know now what is appropriate or deemed right or wrong. Within my inquiry i will be observing other teachers, finding out what dance schools policies are on safeguarding. I will be conducting interviews with teachers at 3 different schools regarding their teaching techniques and whether they feel comfortable physically correcting children or if there is a code of conduct they follow in their workplace. I would also like to talk to teachers of different ages, who taught before safeguarding acts and laws were passed (in 2004 first in the UK) and look for differing techniques and question if there is a difference, was the quality of teaching more or less beneficial. This brings me on to ethical issues and what is the right ot wrong way to treat a child who is attending a dance class.
I hope to take a safeguarding course myself over the summer.