Thursday 18 February 2016

Outcome versus process

After reading through my last blog and the comment left by Paula about outcome versus process i looked into this through literature to compare with my new approach to teaching. My concern was that without physical correction and focus on specifics technical ability would be lost. However after reading Dance psychology for artistic and performance excellence, i found this was not always the case: 'many dancers believe that focusing on the outcome increases their chances of desired result.' This is certainly how i had always taught, thinking about my students exam results or where they might place in competitions. Since i have changed my teaching methods and techniques i have become less focused on outcome and started to see more enjoyment from the children, not a drop in their results or performance. A particular comment resonated when reading this: 'the outcome only appears after the process has taken place.' So in order for my students to really achieve i must help them through this creative process, to have the experience needed. Therefore as important as other teaching methods and techniques are, these things perhaps are futile without the understanding behind the steps - thinking about artistry and musicality.


  1. Hi Lianne,

    Interesting to read your reflection and previous blogpost on changing your approach when working with students. I'm curious, do you feel the course's focus on recording our process and journey we have as practitioners (journalling, blogging, reflections at the end of term etc.) might also be a factor that influenced trying out more process-focused teaching? I wonder how using the BAPP tools might subconsciously alter our work habits?

    1. Hi Laura, i would say that the reflective process such as my journal and critical reflection has very much altered my teaching and the way i conduct my practice now. My discussion with others as further influenced it but certainly looking back on how i used to teach to now is very different.

  2. Hi Lianne,

    Good to hear that you are noticing more enjoyment from your students. I too have the same worries. I think when you are stressed about exam results or how a show is going to go the students can sense it. Whereas if you focus more in the moment of what they are learning right then and there in the class they can enjoy it more. If we are more focused they will be too, rather than being distracted by what is still to come. I find that my BAPP journal has been useful for this. I now reflect on a class and I can work out from there what I would need to do in the next lesson in order to get the students closer to the outcome.

    Lisa x

  3. Lianne - interesting use of the literature - get in contact with Ruth Wood who is also looking at artistry - musical interpretation and dramatic expression in dance.
